Contestants of Big Boss missing their family so much that they got emotional after getting festive surprises by Big Boss.
According to India forums, "The contestants of the house became emotional after receiving Diwali from their family which also included hand written letters. Sushant Divgikar, Gautam Gulati & Puneet Issar were seen getting emotional after reading the letters from their family members. While Minissha Lamba got a Ganesh idol and letters from her loved ones, Arya Babbar got a soft toy with a mug having his family picture on it, they were seen opening their gifts together. Sushant received colorful diyas from his Mom to distribute among the inmates on Diwali."
Further, Praneet received a family photo frame and a mug from his girlfriend Kanchan and Sonali Raut got a silver coin as a blessing from her family along with a letter. Everyone was really happy to receive such precious gifts on Diwali and they thanked Big Boss for the sweet gesture.
A wonderful moment for all the Contestants.
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