In the upcoming episodes of Yeh Hai Mohabbatein, Ishita is going to surprise Raman by wearing a western dress for him. Raman got upset as Ishita didn't wear his gifted dress and instead gave it to Shagun. Now, Ishita will wear a stylish western dress to woo Raman.
When both the families will go out to watch a movie Ishita will don a western avatar and surprise Raman with her new look. She will feel shy to go out and show everyone else when they unexpectedly arrive. She makes it clear to him that she only did this for him only. Raman will be happy to hear this.
This will be an interesting sequence for the viewers to watch. Stay tuned for farther updates.
When both the families will go out to watch a movie Ishita will don a western avatar and surprise Raman with her new look. She will feel shy to go out and show everyone else when they unexpectedly arrive. She makes it clear to him that she only did this for him only. Raman will be happy to hear this.
This will be an interesting sequence for the viewers to watch. Stay tuned for farther updates.
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